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Sports Injury Recovery Nutrition 

Approx. 81 per 1000 elite athletes suffered an injury during competition at World Championships with a 40.9% prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries.

Reference: Giraldo-Vallejo, J.E , et al.. (2023). Nutritional Strategies in the Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Athletes: A Systematic Integrative Review. Nutrients

Only 15% of Canadians can correctly identify

best practices to treat concussions.


Reference: Public Health Agency of Canada

Nutrition For Concussion & Post-Concussion Syndrome


This webinar is open to ALL ATHLETES from ALL SPORTS, as well as their PARENTS, COACHES & BILLET FAMILIES who want to learn about:

  • Latest research/practice in nutrition for concussion recovery

  • Nutrition & supplement interventions for reducing:

    • Inflammation

    • Symptom intensity/frequency

    • Muscle mass loss during modified training


  1. Access to the recording

  2. Copy of PDF slides

  3. Handouts summarizing key points (bilingual)


If you are suffering from a concussion or from post-concussion syndrome, it is generally recommended to avoid screens. In this instance, please simply listen to the webinar and take breaks as needed OR have someone attend for you.

Musculoskeletal Injury Recovery - Ligament /Tendon, Bone or Muscle


This webinar is open to ALL ATHLETES from ALL SPORTS, as well as their PARENTS, COACHES & BILLET FAMILIES who want to learn about:

  • Latest research/practice in sports nutrition & how it applies to healing different types of injuries

  • Impact and application of proper nutrition & supplementation for reducing muscle atrophy during modified training/limb immobilization


1) Access to the recording

2) Copy of PDF slides

3) Handouts summarizing key points (bilingual)

Leg Injury
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